This week we continue to explore how art
is not only related to math and science, but is also influenced by
industrialization and Robotics. Industrial Revolution, one of the most studied periods
in the history, transformed human society from an agrarian society to an industrial
one and facilitated the development of human. The society responds to
industrialization in both positive ways and negative ways. In aspect of art, Professor
Vesna mentions in lecture that artists are influenced by mass production, and
Lane, Jim states that “It brought a new clientele to the painting market
and a new awareness of the daily lives”. However, Walter Benjamin
expressed his concern, "Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is
lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at
the place where it happens to be”. There's still no clear answer for this question.
Printing press facilitates spread of artistic work
Modern Times is a 1936 comedy written
and directed by Charles Chaplin. Modern
Times portrays Chaplin as a factory worker, struggles to survive in a
modern and industrialized world. The film describes the desperate employment
and fiscal condition many people faced in the industrialized world and
expresses people’s concern about industrialization. I think the social
environment and living conditions portrayed in Modern Times make artistic
creation more difficult since people struggle to survive.
Chaplin in "Modern Times"
Guggenham in Spain
However, industrialization facilitates the development of
technology, which greatly improves designing and expression of artistic work
today. One famous example is Guggenham Museum in Spain. This extraordinary
building can’t be done without modern technology for deigning and efficiency of
industrialized world. From this example we see industrialization does provide
with more possibilities for art.
In my point of view, industrialization and mass production
have generally positive influence for art because mass production and industrialization
facilitate the information spreading and development of technology. Although most
perfect reproductions still lack some elements, artists’ work are known rapidly
by more people and artists themselves also have new perception of world. Also,
industrialization creates more possibilities for art.
Vesna, Vectoria “Robotics + Art Lecture” <>
Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. London: Penguin, 2008. Print.
Jim, Lane. "The Industrial Revolution's Affect on Art." 25 Jan 1998. N.p., Online Posting to Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>.
Guggenheim Museum N.d.02 September 2002. <>
“Modern Times (film)” Wikepedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. September 17, 2013
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