Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Event 3: Griffith Observatory

For my second event, I attended the Griffith Observatory. I have been there several times before but I only enjoyed the beautiful view. This time I paid much more attention on the scientific part and I found Griffith Observatory is one of the perfect places where the connection between Art and Science are so Beautiful.

In 1912 Griffith J. Griffith donated money to the City of Los Angeles for an observatory to be built on the top of mountain in Hollywood in his name. Griffith wanted to inspire people through astronomy and I did benefit from it. Griffith Observatory has become the most visited public observatories in the world.

Inside the observatory, I saw the vivid illustrations of our solar system, the universe, the milky way, our earth and other planets. I was able to learn how our earth orbits around the sun and the other planets , why this causes the bright day and dark night and why there are four different seasons. I remembered I was struggling to make clear about these concepts in my geology class in high school. But now I can easily understand better through the vivid model in Griffith Observatory.

Another part that impressed me is the Gunther Depth of Space exhibit. It enabled visitors to explore four fundamental transformations of perspective made possible by our explorations with spacecraft and new telescopes that are used everyday. This exhibit helped me to understand how planets were transformed into landscapes, the relationship between stars

The Griffith Observatory is the perfect place to learn about the connection between art and science. It has many scientific exhibits and it also displays them with such artistic design. The view from the observatory allows us to see our beautiful Los Angeles from the top. I will definitely go there again later.

1."Gunther Depths of Space." . N.p., Online Posting to Griffith Observatory. E-mail. <http://www.griffithobs.org/exhibits/bdepthsofspace.html>.
2. Picture taken by myself

3."Whut Glamour / Griffith Observatory." . N.p., Online Posting to Homemaker. E-mail. <http://hommemaker.com/2012/03/08/whut-glamour-griffith-observatory/>.

4. VILLANUEVA, John. "What Causes Day and Night?." . N.p., Online Posting to Universe today. E-mail. <http://www.universetoday.com/59707/what-causes-day-and-night/>.

5."What causes the seasons?." . N.p., Online Posting to How stuff works. E-mail. <http://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/atmospheric/question165.htm>.

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